Being Awesome
3-month package for $2250
*Weekly 1:1 sessions
Details Below
Payment Plans Available
*Custom Packages Available

Creating Awesome
6-month package for $3900
*Weekly 1:1 sessions
Details Below
Payment Plans Available
*Custom Packages Available

​Creating Awesome is for the woman who has a dream on heart that she knows she HAS to bring to life. She is hear to serve, to live big, and to love her life EVERY SINGLE DAY! Creating Awesome is for the dreamer, the achiever, the activator, the brave, the courageous, powerful YOU! You have done the work, and you are ready to bring your dream to life and you're done wasting time, energy, and resources. Your time has come!
In Creating Awesome, we will bring your gifts and light to life! We will increase your awareness of who you really are, what your gifts are, and how to be tuned in to your inner greatness! We will align with your soul's desires and take inspired action. As we do this your dream will come to life one step at a time and you will know that the reason this dream persist is because it was meant for you! And more importantly, YOU will come to life living a light that has you LIT up!
Week 1: 90 minute Clarity Call​
Followed by Weekly 60-minute Coaching Sessions
*All sessions are done virtually via Google Meet or In Person
*All sessions will include Action Steps to be completed as homework
Payment plans available.
*Customized packages available.

Being Awesome is for the woman who is ready to step into who she truly is. The woman that knows that she is meant for more, that she has a light that is ready to shine so bright that she can live her very best life BUT she's exhausted. She's so busy showing up for everyone else that she doesn't have anything left for herself. She knows she can do more, be more, and feel on top of the world and she's ready to get out of her own way and go get it!
Our first two sessions are an in-depth intuitive dive into your Soul’s desires. We dive into how you are living your life currently compared to how you would like to live your life. We will examine where your priorities are currently in respect to your actions today, and where you would like to shift your priorities and actions to be in alignment with your Soul’s desires. We will examine how outward influences are impacting your life and where you are being called to connect with yourself. We’ll use this information to define YOUR awesome and bring it to life so you live your happiest, healthiest, most successful life.
Week 1: 90 minute Clarity Call​
Followed by Weekly 60-minute Coaching Sessions
*All sessions are done virtually via Google Meet or In Person
*All sessions will include Action Steps to be completed as homework
*Payment plans available.
*Customized Packages available.